IP address information

Detailed information about the IP server, provider, location

Use my IP


Risk level

All about IP - provider, security, location

IP address is a unique numeric identifier of a device or user on a network. IP is a more universal identifier than a domain name. Although, like a domain, it is unique, an IP address can be associated with a device, user, server, or device. So sometimes you need to know more information about the IP network.

In addition to the standard information about the RIPE provider to which the IP namespace is assigned, we provide the following information:

  • Your device name (unique MAK);
  • Location - the point to which this IP subnet is assigned;
  • Distance to Inspection Current - the distance the signal travels from the subnet location to the inspection server;
  • Anonymizer - whether various methods of anonymization, masking (vpn, proxy) are used.

The security of the IP used is critical, you can rent an IP to your dedicated server, your ISP can provide you with a dedicated IP or your site can be hosted on a single IP server at a hosting provider with hundreds of other sites. In each case, it is important to know how secure the given address is, whether it is used for malicious purposes or malware. For this purpose, we check each IP for several critical indicators:

  • Anonymizers - whether the given IP is used for the purpose of creating VPN, Proxy, etc.
  • Botnet - whether this IP is fixed with Botnet networks used by attackers;
  • Honeypot - Whether the given IP is fixed as a bait for hackers, when the address itself and the project on it is a bait for hackers;
  • Abuse - whether complaints of other network users about the given IP are recorded;
  • Spam - whether the given address took part in building a spam infrastructure.

Each of these reasons can lead to a number of problems with your project, blocking by search engines and mail servers, increased interest from hackers and law enforcement agencies and much more.