Check HTTPS status - response code, redirects, duplicates

Check the presence of the HTTPS protocol and the correctness of the URL anatomy

Insert URL

HTTPS checker is supported by SeCom

URL Organization - HTTP to HTTPS and presence of duplicate pages
This tool is designed to organize the routing system on a website during the transition to HTTPS.During the SSL certificate configuration, problems with the correct operation of the website URL often occur.The main problems a website owner may encounter include:

  • Inaccessibility of the site via HTTPS protocol-this can be a result of incorrect SSL certificate configuration;
  • 301 or 302 HTTPS statuses-this often occurs when an HTTPS page is redirected to HTTP, although HTTPS should be the final protocol;
  • 200 status of several pages-can be several reasons, but the most common is the simultaneous receipt of status 200 for pages HTTP, HTTPS, www., /index. This can be a consequence of incorrect configuration of the redirect system and the presence of duplicate pages in search engines.

What to pay attention to when using this tool?
For the site owner - you can check the correctness of HTTPS settings when migrating from HTTP or when ordering/updating an SSL certificate.You can make sure that your site is accessible via HTTPS, determine the presence of duplicate pages on HTTPS/HTTP protocols and assess the security of the connection.For the administrator or webmaster - the tool allows you to check the correctness of redirect settings, determine the presence of duplicate pages and form a technical task for the hoster or your administrator to configure the HTTPS protocol in detail.