CSR generator

Generator of CSR and Private Key for your SSL

CSR generator is supported by SeCom

Detailed information about CSR generators
CSR - Certificate Signing Request - request for certificate generation. A necessary condition for generating an SSL certificate for the https protocol is the presence of a generated CSR. Any SSL includes an external (public) or CSR and an internal (private part) Private Key.
When creating a CSR (Certificate Signing Request), the public information about the certificate owner is encrypted with the help of keys in the format of 1028 or 2056 bits.To generate a CSR it is necessary to specify the following parameters:

  • Domain Name-the full domain name for which the certificate is issued (for example, site.com);
  • Organization name - the full name of the company or legal entity in any valid format (for example, for example, TOV, LLC, Ltd, etc.). If the CSR is registered for an individual, you can also specify the domain as the main identifier of the network activity;
  • Structural unit - department of the organization, which is responsible for SSL registration, often it is IT department;
  • City - the full name of the place of registration or residence;
  • Region/State-the full name of the region, state or other territorial unit;
  • Country-code of the country with two symbols (for example UA, FR, US);
  • Postal address - contact e-mail address. Usually the e-mail address of the administrator or technical specialist on the domain is used (example [email protected]).

The validity of the information provided when creating a CSR rests with you.During the DV SSL validation (domain validation), only the domain name is checked, while for OV and EV domains all fields are checked.