Your IP:

Find out your IP address on your computer, ISP or smartphone

Device hostname:
Risk level:
Distans from check server:

Find out the IP of your computer, iPhone or other devices

In the process of working in the network you may need to know your IP address. sometimes it is necessary for work or you are asked to specify the IP your Internet provider. Our service will allow you not only to find out what IP network IP issued to you by your ISP, you can find out the location where the IP network is registered, you can also find out the name of the ISP, the distance from your IP to the static IP verification server.

It is worth mentioning about determining the security level of your IP. Just refresh the page and you will see how secure your ISP's IP address is and whether it has been previously detected in illegal activities. We check the IP address for the following factors:

  • Anonymizers - allows you to specify whether various VPNs, proxies and other methods of IP$ spoofing are being used;
  • Botnet - determines if your IP is in a network of malicious addresses;
  • Bait - uses your IP as bait for hackers when the service is used to expose malicious activity;
  • IP Abuse - whether your IP has been seen in databases of malicious IPs compromised in the past for phishing, scamming and other malicious activity;
  • Spamming - whether a particular IP has been used to send spam or otherwise manipulate customer email.

What will knowing your IP do for you? You will know if your ISP provides you with a static IP, you will be able to request a change of address if you are not satisfied with the previous one. Also you will be able to easily calculate the distance from you to the server you are interested in, if it is your work or game server.
This tool will also help clients of remote desktop providers when checking the exact location of your server or your desktop.