Character & Word counter

Online tool to calculates the number of characters

Words 0
Symbols 0
Without spaces 0
Spaces 0
Numbers 0
Unique words 0
Sentences 0
Time for reading 0 min
Text weight (UTF-8 Bytes) 0
Text weight (UTF-8 Bites) 0
Text weight (UTF-16 Bytes) 0
Text weight (UTF-16 Bites) 0
  • Calculation rules

  • 0%
  • Density of words

    Word counter is supported by SeCom

    Character counter details
    The number of characters is often a key indicator for text content in both online and print publications.Besides the number of letters, numeric values and other symbols, the volume of text is formed.It is the number of characters that determines the requirement of assignments for copywriters, where payment depends on the value of 1000 characters without spaces.Our counter is designed to quickly check the number of characters in the text, where you can quickly count the characters with the inclusion or exclusion of special characters and signs.

    Word count, character count and "Nausea"
    Determining the number of words and their frequency is important for any webmaster or website owner.The density of keywords for every 1000 characters determines the statistical power of the text.Exceeding a certain level of water content can negatively affect the search engine ranking.Therefore, it is important to monitor the number of words in the text and edit them.Our tool allows you to conveniently perform these calculations.

    Secom's character counter features:
    Conventional online programs are focused on certain indicators that calculate the frequency of words, others - the number of characters.We, based on feedback from copywriters, combined all the necessary in one tool.

    • Word count: indicates the number of words in the text, separated by spaces.You can exclude certain words from the calculation, for example, the name of the brand or keywords.
    • Character/Symbol Count:This metric allows you to determine the number of printed characters in your text.You can also exclude certain characters, letters, numbers or digits from the count.
    • Number of characters without spaces:This is an important metric for copywriters and SEO specialists as it indicates the number of characters without spaces.
    • Number of spaces: this indicator indicates the number of spaces in the text.You can use this information to improve the readability of the text.
    • Number of digits/numbers: this indicates the number of digits or numbers in the text.It is important to control the number of digits or numbers as they can affect the quality of the text.
    • Word frequency: determines how often certain words occur in the text. Use this information to control keyword spam.
    • Water part: shows the percentage of noise words in the text. The lower this indicator is, the higher the quality of the text.
    • Number of sentences: indicates the total number of sentences in the text.
    • Time to read: indicates the average time it takes to read the text.
    • Text weight: indicates the complex weight of the text in a bit system.